Church Staff

Melinda Leaver
  • Head Custodian, VBS Leader
Kaitlyn Everitt
  • Custodial Assistant
Jessica York
  • Ablaze Youth Fellowship Bible Study Leaders, Fiscal Assistant
Welcome to our new Associate Pastor of Music and Outreach
Matthew Ayala and his wife, Jordan

Matt grew up in Pace, FL and went to college at Mississippi State. After working with Revive and a sister church in Starkville, Mississippi for eight years, he is returning to serve in ministry here at Avalon. A gifted musician, he will be a huge asset to our congregation. His wife, Jordan, will also be volunteering at the church in the sound booth and other ministries. We are so excited to have them!

Deacons & Wives

Here to serve you!

Zac & Joannie Leyrer
  • Active Deacon; Christmas Extravaganza Coordinator, Children's Worship Leader, Discovery Group Leaders (both)
Tanner & Amber Lunsford
  • Active Deacon; RA Boys Leader, Safety Team, Softball Leader, Nursery Director (Amber)
Kyle & Tammy Lunsford
  • Active Deacon; Abide Youth Discovery Group Leaders
John & Gayle Everitt
  • Deacon
Tommy & Debra Sanders
  • Deacon, Discovery Group Leader

Contact us and catch us around Campus. We are here to serve you.